Guideline 1-100-50 - Helicopter Landing Zone

CMH EMS & MIH Protocols




A safe and secure landing area for air ambulances will be used when it is necessary to transfer a patient by helicopter.


To provide guidelines for safe and secure landing and operations around air ambulances.


  1. The landing area shall be acceptable to the incoming helicopter service pilot.
  2. The landing area shall be clear of wires, loose debris, obstructions, or hazards.
  3. The landing area shall be a minimum of 100 foot by 100 foot. This area shall be level and without dips or rises.
  4. Landing Zone Command (LZ Command) shall alert the incoming pilot of the landing scene and possible hazards or problems with the landing site.
    1. Communications between LZ Command and the incoming aircraft are usually conducted on radio channel VFire21 - Fire Mutual Aid.
    2. Possible hazards include if multiple aircraft are responding to the same scene.
  5. Ground crews shall not approach the helicopter without direction from the helicopter pilot or crew.
    1. When the helicopter is approached, it shall be done from a 45 degree angle from the front and in full view of the pilot.
    2. An approach from another angle shall only be done under the direction and instruction of the flight crew.


Change Log:

DateLink to
Description of change
06/05/21pdfMoved to
04/11/22pdfAdded content from policy PHS01-07, which will be retired.

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CMH Pre-Hospital Services Mission: "Provide safe, exceptional, and compassionate care to our communities with an emphasis on highly trained and empowered staff." CMH Mobile Integrated Healthcare Mission: "Provide exceptional, compassionate, and patient-centered care by a mobile collaborative team to improve patient experience, improve quality outcomes, and reduce healthcare costs."
Creative Commons License Polk, Hickory, Cedar, & St Clair County EMS Protocols is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.