Protocol 2-880-72 - Suspected Stroke - Destination Matrix

CMH EMS & MIH Protocols

This matrix was developed using geographical analysis of designated facilities and historical ambulance transport statistics. It also follows Missouri regulations found in 19 CSR 30-40.790 (Transport protocol for trauma, stroke, and STEMI patients).

All suspected strokes that are from the last known well of 0-4.5 hours should go to the closest ER that can do TPA.

For those strokes with a last known well of 4.5-24 hours, they should go to the closest facility that does CTA and CTP studies with the CT scan.

NEMSIS Protocol: 9914145 - Medical-Stroke/TIA


Change Log:

DateLink to
Description of change
05/05/15pdfChanged this section from 4-052 to 4-053 to accommodate NIHSS images.
11/17/15Added northern destinations that might be closer to Ellett’s response area. Modified quickest transportation mode definition to 35 minutes.
04/06/16pdfAdded age requirement of less than 90 yr old to be transported to level 1 center. Added consider CMH as a destination after contacting medical control.
07/22/16Added comment than BLS truck with ALS patient shall transport to closest ER or CMH.
08/24/17pdfAdded Mercy Springfield as a destination. Streamlined flowchart with a comment to follow aircraft protocol when flying patient.
08/24/18pdfRequested change from 12-hours to 24-hours since last normal. Dr. Carter denied request. Added comment about if transporting to stroke center takes outside of tPA window, it is OK to transport to tPA-capable ER.
07/23/19pdfVerified designated stroke centers with BEMS website. Added Cedar County Memorial as level III stroke center.
11/18/19pdfAdded comment to bypass CMH if on CT divert by specific order of Dr. Cauchi.
11/27/19Changed format from flowchart to something more easily utilized.
07/12/20pdfMoved this section from 2-880created a new page.
02/18/21pdfChanged number from 2-880-02 to 2-880-72 to allow future additions.
06/06/21pdfMoved to
09/29/21pdfCorrected a typo that indicated tPA facility window was six hours. It has been changed to the correct time of four (4) hours.
02/25/22pdfAdded CMH-Bolivar and Cox-Lamar as a level III stroke centers.
09/16/22pdfAdded Golden Valley as level III center.
04/28/23Another draft of this protocol was created [2-880-72(cta-ctp).php] to indicate transporting to CTA-CTP capable facilities instead of designated stroke centers. Still in draft as requested on 1/25/23 by Dr. Butvilas, however, on 3/24/23, Dr. Butvilas said Cox has not approved and it should remain inactive at this time.
09/12/23pdfPlease change “Consider transporting to the closest tPA-capable emergency room for any one the following criteria:” to “All suspected strokes that are from the last known well of 0-4.5 hours should go to the closest ER that can do TPA.” Please remove “Transporting to a STROKE center will take the patient out of the tPA treatment window (four hours).” Please replace “Consider transporting to the closest STROKE center for the following criteria:” with “For those strokes with a last known well of 4.5-24 hours, they should go to the closest facility that does CTA and CTP studies with the CT scan.” Please remove “Last seen normal within 12 hours, AND One or more of the following: New onset of facial droop, arm drift, abnormal speech, one-sided neurological deficit, or abnormal gait, or NIHSS score greater than zero.” Please change “If LARGE VESSEL OCCLUSION or SEVERE STROKE: Transport to the closest level I stroke center.” With “Suspected strokes that are over the 4.5-hour window for TPA administration are to come to CMH, Lake Regional, Mercy Springfield, Cox South, or Freeman because those facilities are either level II stroke centers or can do CTA and CTP.” Please update the small table that has Osage Beach and Springfield listed to include Bolivar, CMH, Level III Joplin, Freeman, Level II Joplin, Mercy, Level II Springfield, Cox South Level I Kansas City, Research, Level I Kansas City, St. Lukes, Level I Please remove the lowest section that starts with “Consider transporting to the closest Level I STROKE for any one of the following criteria:”

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