Protocol 2-880 - Suspected Stroke

CMH EMS & MIH Protocols








NEMSIS Protocol: 9914145 - Medical-Stroke/TIA


Change Log:

DateLink to
Description of change
11/11/13pdfAdded quote from MO Statutes on transporting TCD stroke.
12/20/13Added comment that TCD only applies when onset of symptoms less than 4 hours ago.
01/29/14Coordinated protocol with CMH policies.
12/12/14pdfRemoved Blood Draw. Removed pending list of stroke centers.
03/30/15Added stroke destination determination flowchart.
03/31/15Added NIH Stroke Scale.
04/14/15Moved Cincinatti and NIH stroke scales to EMR secion.
02/03/16pdfAdded EMD section for MPDS medical direction.
07/23/16pdfMoved obtaining family contact, transport info, and weighing pt to EMT section.
08/02/16Corrected typo in the title from Cardiovascular Accident to Cerebrovascular Accident.
07/01/17pdfFixed typo from cardiovascular accident to cerebrovascular accident.
08/24/17Added comment to walk the patient to the cot. Added comment to contact receiving facility if flying. Added comment to get accurate weight.
09/22/17Lowerd glucose treatment threshold from 70 to 60. Added comment the target scene time is 10 minutes. Added comment to avoid multiple IV attempts. Added comment to not treat hypertension.
11/19/17pdfAdded comment to obtain temperature, if able and 18ga in L AC is preferred IV access.
03/05/18pdfPer Mercy Stroke Center, added comments to repeat neuro assessment every 15 minhave two IVs.
07/31/19pdfClarified CMH ActivationAlert levels of 4.524 hours. Increased EMD therapeutic window to 24 hours.
11/27/19pdfAdded tPA drip transfer instructions based on MercyCox requests.
04/16/20Added content (without substantive modification) from old Section 4-051 - CMH EMS Stroke Assessment Tool.
04/16/20 Added content (without substantive modification) from old Section 4-052 - NIH Stroke Scale Images.
04/16/20Added content (without substantive modification) from old Section 4-053 - Stroke Destination Matrix.
04/16/20pdfAdded content (without substantive modification) from old Protocol 4-050 - Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)Stroke.
02/18/21pdfChanged 2-880-01 to 2-880-24.
02/18/21Changed 2-880-02 to 2-880-72.
02/18/21Added statement and link to 2-880-48 EMS information form
06/06/21pdfMoved to
02/28/22Updated link to tPA.
03/16/23pdfClarified RN and medic roles. Added CP.
03/17/23Updated links to NS.
03/19/23Changed links for LR.
05/26/23pdfAdded link to 4-291.

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CMH Pre-Hospital Services Mission: "Provide safe, exceptional, and compassionate care to our communities with an emphasis on highly trained and empowered staff." CMH Mobile Integrated Healthcare Mission: "Provide exceptional, compassionate, and patient-centered care by a mobile collaborative team to improve patient experience, improve quality outcomes, and reduce healthcare costs."
Creative Commons License Polk, Hickory, Cedar, & St Clair County EMS Protocols is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.